Monolith Updates. Future of "Blueprint".
Monolith Update: Early Days. Early Wins.
Monolith is a venture studio building African moonshots. Since founding earlier this year, and over the course of Q1 and Q2 2022:
The combined valuation of the best performing Monolith companies has risen to $70 Million.
The best is yet to come. We are currently developing a robust pipeline of companies that will have a tremendous impact on African economies in the coming decades. Through our stealth(-ish) city-building company, Temple, we have secured a sizable amount of land in an as yet undisclosed West African nation for our first city. We are also developing substantial projects in the crypto and education spaces that we will unveil in the coming months.
Lastly, our team is growing. If you’re interested in playing a key role in constructing greater futures for billions of Africans (many of whom are unborn), don’t hesitate to join us.
Though these are small victories, our gaze remains fixed on our long term objective: building a thriving Africa this century. And where Andreessen Horowitz has 'American Dynamism', Monolith has the African Century Project (ACP): a decades-long initiative to unlock Africa's $5.6 Trillion growth potential this century. More details about the ACP will be released soon.
The Future of Blueprint
This substack was an experiment; a reservoir for a flood of rough ideas around Africa’s trajectory that I had been mulling over for years. After almost a year, I’m even more convinced that to be a proper long term literary artifact, the Blueprint must live in print.
All previous and future chapters of the substack will be republished in a print edition of Blueprint for the African Century, to be launched in the near future. Unlike the substack, which was free and open to all, the print version will only have 100 physical copies, ever (though they will also be free). Each print edition will be exquisitely designed and bound, and will be gifted to the 100 people in the world I believe will find it most useful.
I believe there is no better way to both underline and acknowledge the practical nature of this endeavor than by actively recruiting readers (and doers) most suited to its message. Skin in the game and sweat equity are important heuristics for any great undertaking, and all audacious projects need Apostles. Liking, sharing, or skimming a substack post just doesn’t cut it.
The easiest way to be one of the 100 people included in the future Blueprint drop is to either join or invest in Monolith, or contribute to the African Century Project in some tangible, meaningful way. Follow Monolith to stay abreast of things, or reach out to me directly for any inquiries: